Preamble: This questionnaire aims to acquire data that will be used in the development of a model for quality assessment of e-services in resource-constrained environments. Based on your experience with e-services, particularly the e-water payments system of National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC), you have been selected as a respondent to provide your views on this study. e-water is a real-time bill payment system used by NWSC aimed at eliminating delays in updating customer accounts plus saving customers from the bother of physically going to payment centers to queue so as to pay water bills. Some of the factors that determine the quality of an e-service include the efficiency of the e-service, the level of reliability of the e-service, the level of trust users have in the e-service, support provided by the staff, the user experience, provisions for feedback on the quality of service, and quality assurance.
This questionnaire measures the role that these factors play in determining the quality of e-water service and your expectations of high-quality e-services. Your responses will be treated with the utmost ethics, integrity, and confidentiality and therefore we kindly request you to answer each question with honesty and to the best of your capability. Your time spent in answering and filling this survey is highly appreciated and is undoubtedly considered very fundamental to contributing to national development.
There are 21 questions in this survey.